
All volunteers, new and returning, will be required to attend a training/ information session. Date and time TBD. At this meeting, you will receive your volunteer handbook, t-shirt and give you a chance to meet your Team Leader to learn about the area where you...

Water will be provided to all volunteers while working. Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed before or during your shift or at any time that you are wearing your volunteer t-shirt. Violation of this rule will result in immediate dismissal and forfeit of your registration...

Every volunteer receives one Cavendish Beach Music Festival volunteer t-shirt. You must wear your shirt while working and change immediately after your shift. We prefer that volunteers also wear khaki pants or shorts. Please be advised to wear comfortable shoes as shifts require you to...

Please arrive through the Check-In/ Volunteer tent (VIP Entrance). You will not be admitted into the festival through any entrance without a volunteer t-shirt. You must check-in and out of every shift. This is necessary to receive credit, and therefore benefits, for the time that...

We depend on your commitment to the Cavendish Beach Music Festival. If your schedule must change or if you have an emergency, please contact the festival office at ...

Prescription medication is allowed in the original prescription bottle. Any guests attempting to bring in prescription medication must have photo identification card that matches the name printed on the prescription, and the pills in the bottle must match the description printed on the prescription. Over-the-counter...

Yes. Standard “bag” chairs are acceptable to bring. Do NOT bring high back lawn chairs. If your “bag” chair is blocking the view of an individual behind you, we will ask you to remove that particular chair. Limited chairs, provided by the festival are available...